Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Ahmad Malik: “Mandatory vaccinations set a very dangerous precedent. by roger philips January 8, 2022 0 93
Numbers don’t lie!! You are 4,520% more likely to die from the vaccine than to be saved by one by Samuel January 8, 2022 0 22
Dr. Roger Gives an Impassioned Speech Against the Canadian Government Playing Medicine 21 Views February 12, 2022
Fauci Admits the Durability of the COVID Jab Was a Flop but Thinks the Monkeypox Shot Could Last a Lifetime 10 Views September 17, 2022
Former vice President of Pfizer Dr. Mike Yeadon: “They were given money to put people on ventilators, given money for putting people on remdesivir” 102 Views December 13, 2022