Tsunami of deaths is about to arrive. If you’ve got a bunch of family members and friends that have had at least one of the shots, I think you should be looking at them as if they were just diagnosed with a terminal illness. We don’t know how long they are going to live. Dr Sherri Tenpenny by Theresa September 3, 2022 0 13
Sonic and EMF weapons used by the Canberra police against the Truckers for Freedom Australia, the government turned its weapons against the citisens they are so going down now. 15 Views April 11, 2022
If you like or have papaya trees out there, try using its leaf as it also contains several health benefits. You can use the leaf with such preparation as teas, extracts, tablets, and juices. 11 Views August 23, 2022
A complaint in a hospital confirms that most of the patients have been vaccinated. 29 Views October 2, 2021