Downtown Toronto is now being locked down by farmers. The workers of the world are uniting – just not in the way the globalists hoped. 17 Views February 5, 2022
NWO thugs in Canberra, Australia arrested an old lady, pepper sprayed a grandpa and acted like communist parasites today. Australians are never going to forget how the police treated them these past 2 years for simply wanting freedom. 52 Views February 2, 2022
JAB Injured woman REVEALS there are 50 people at the CDC PROCESSING over a Million VAERS Reports! 21 Views January 27, 2022
Dr. Mary Bowden has treated over 2,000 patients with COVID-19 “I have been keeping people out of the hospital. And for that Houston Methodist suspended my privileges.” 51 Views January 26, 2022
Dr. Pierre Kory shines a light on the information war we are in “It’s a war that’s been going on for decades and it’s waged by the pharmaceutical industry” 27 Views January 26, 2022
Nurse speaks out against mandates: “This is coercion, this is bullying and this is wrong. It goes against our nursing code of conduct and we need to push back.” 21 Views January 22, 2022
Paris packed to the rafters against covid passports and mandates today as millions worldwide rallied 19 Views January 18, 2022
Czech Police, medical workers, firefighters and citizens, all together against apartheid health besiege the Ministry of the Interior in Prague. 26 Views January 14, 2022