Dr Peterson Pierre (Wealthy business man has life insurance worth millions. He takes the covid-19 vaccine and dies. The insurance company is not paying out because they say the vaccine is a medical experiment and the judge said everyone should know the side effects of the vaccine and therefore willingly take on the risks) 116 Views April 11, 2022
Hospitals all over Australia overwhelmed by vaxxine-injured patients. This is global genocide. 33 Views April 11, 2022
VACCINES EXPOSED – Dr. Pierre Kory says the vaccines are a “humanitarian catastrophe”, highlighting the work being done by Edward Dowd and Thomas 23 Views April 11, 2022
THE BLOOD OF A DOUBLE VACCINATED PATIENT They knew this would be a problem, with 40 trillion mRNA molecules entering the circulatory system and that the spike protein was intrinsically TOXIC 33 Views April 11, 2022
Dr. Ryan Cole In one month to have over 1200 people dead and they continue to roll this out…upon the world…in the billions of doses This is a scientific fraud of the most astounding kind Watergate level fraud There should be criminal liability 40 Views April 11, 2022
After Six Months, the Vaccine Efficacy Drops Below Baseline, Meaning It Has a Detrimental Effect on Your Immunity Dr. Shankara Chetty: “We expect with the immune suppression, there will be a reemergence of certain infections.” 43 Views April 11, 2022
The CDC Director admits that the vaccine is not as effective as they claimed and that they “had too little caution and too much optimism.” 20 Views April 11, 2022